About UTD
Ultimate Traditional Designs (UTD Shop) Online shop selling Toghu | Cameroon Attire | Atoghu | Cameroon Traditional Dresses African Arts | Toghu Designs | Beaded Stools |Cameroon Arts and Crafts |

Our Story
Ultimate Traditional Designs. Africa is the cradle of Humanity with Ancient Egypt being the bedrock of the world civilization. Therefore when we talk about the Art and Craft of Africa in general and Cameroon in particular, it is as old as humanity. The Evolution of this art and craft is our cultural Heritage. Cameroon otherwise called Africa Miniature is heavenly endowed with these culture in terms of dressing and Rituals. It is from this background that the people of the Grass field region of the country came with a unique cultural outfit Or Cameroon Attire called the Toghu or Atoghu depending on which part of the villages you come from.
The Toghu is a design out of a special material called Ndop by the Bamileke people and Ndep by the Bamenda people. However, because the Toghu was it first design, Many are liken to call the fabric now as the Toghu for it is commonly called. With inadequate knowledge on the recent trend and evolution in the Fashion industry by the Traditional fashion designers, UTD that is Ultimate Traditional Designs, Which is a Traditional Fashion Designer Company has come in to breeched the gap between the designers and the outside world as far as African fashion is concerned in general and Cameroon in particular which is African miniature.
To this end therefore our Motto is; Toghu The Art Of Africa In Miniature!
“Toghu the New Way” By Toghu Boss
Our Mission
Ultimate Traditional Designs, UTD is a Traditional Fashion Designer Company where the TOGHU is our Brand and also a platform where we bring together all Traditional Designers, Arts and crafts Men along their products, Especially the Toghu to market them at the Internal and international market, Toghu is for every body any where irrespective of race and cultural Background.
Our mission is to Bring all Traditional Designers together in Africa in general and Cameroon in particular properly coordinate them to uphold our cultural heritage. Promote their products especially, one of Cameroon best outfit all time award winner at Olympic Games the Toghu Fabric or Cameroon Attire. Ensure that the designers partner with one another to continue to uphold our cultural heritage which is our unique Identity and which makes us True Africans.

Vision & Values
Ultimate Traditional Designs, With Vision is to ensure continuity in the upholding of African Values imbedded in their various custom and culture with the traditional regalia TOGHU as well as their artistic works. Again UTD wishes to ensure that we established across all the various countries in Africa work shops where all the youths will be offered free training to produce valuable goods and services using the natural resources we are endowed with.
Ultimate Traditional Designs (UTD) is also to develop an application that will ease in the transmission of information across the world as well as the distribution of our finished traditional fashion products. However, we will not only limit ourselves in the African Continent we will offer Free training courses across irrespective of where you are coming from as far is it will help in one way or the other. You can also partner with us at all level to ensure we hit the world at a maximum level with modernized traditional fashion. Ultimate Traditional Designs (U.T.D) is opened to support and partnership across the whole world. To Partner with us…es
Your Future Starts Here as you partner with utd.
we are at your service 24/7 get to us on either direct call or on WhatsApp at any time, our well cultured workers are available for your worries!